Sankar Raman

A Focus on the Possible

For José, the doors to the American dream began to close when he was 15. Due to his legal status he was not allowed to get his driver’s permit 

John Rudoff

Conquering a Life of Uncertainty

Daniel Franco Núñez’s earliest memory is being smuggled across the border into the US in his grandfather’s arms. Núñez was born in Guadalajara, Mexico In 1985.

Sankar Raman

From Conflict to Confidence

At just six years old, Heriberto Bolanos raised his hand to cross the border from Mexico into the United States under the powerful jets

Lisa Cohn

Pleading for a Pathway

Azucena Javier-Marquez is relieved about the June 18 U.S. Supreme Court ruling rejecting attempts by the Trump administration to end protections

Sankar Raman

From Homeless to a Grammy Award Win

For Denzel Mendoza, music has been what ties his life together. Mendoza was born in Singapore in 1996 and the family moved to the U.S. a few years later for […]

Sankar Raman

Expert in Languages at an Early Age

“Being American means hard work and being involved in your community,” says Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) student Marcela Morales. 

Sankar Raman

Going Public with My Story

For many years, Xiomara Torres avoided telling people she had come into the US as an undocumented immigrant. “There’s so much shame with knowing you were

Sankar Raman

Soñando más allá de las fronteras

“No tengo papeles.” Liliana Luna miró la oportunidad de ir a la universidad desvanecerse. El consejero de la preparatoria repentinamente abrió su cajón

Sankar Raman

Stepping out of the Shadows

Even as a small child, Brenda knew that, to keep her family safe, she must not be noticed. As the child of undocumented immigrants from Mexico, she lived in a […]

Paige Stoyer

Undocumented and Unafraid

When Efrain first sauntered into his AP literature class in high school, something triggered him: He noticed that he was the only student of color in the room.

Sankar Raman

In Limbo O’Er the Land of the Free

Depressed and undocumented, Jhoana knew she needed to change her life around. Born in Pachuca, Mexico in 1991, Jhoana grew up in a small house that her  

Sankar Raman

Crossing the Line in the Sand

Ivan was eleven years old when his family left Mexico. He had been doing well in his school in Mexico and he was very popular because of his loud voice […]

Yuriana Aguilar

A Cardiac Scientist with Heart

In a country that has historically celebrated its scientific community, a scientist with an uncertain future is not that common. But Dr. Yuriana Aguilar is an undocumented