
Britany Cano-Briceno

Britany Cano-Briceno is a freshman at Portland Community College with the eventual goal of pursuing a degree in social work at Portland State University. 

Sankar Raman

Seeking out the “How”

“Being settled is such a privilege. But when you’re new (somewhere), every second is a thinking second,” says Mekdes Hilete, describing the feeling of becoming a

Sankar Raman

Learning to See a Future

“I’m never going to get out of this place,” AyeChan May thought as a young teenager. In Mae Ra Moe refugee camp in Thailand where she grew up, she saw […]

Sankar Raman

Dora Totoian

Dora Totoian is a senior at the University of Portland, majoring in Spanish and political science and minoring in gender and women’s studies. She has worked  

Sankar Raman

Going Public with My Story

For many years, Xiomara Torres avoided telling people she had come into the US as an undocumented immigrant. “There’s so much shame with knowing you were

Sankar Raman

The Journey of a Lifetime

When 25-year-old Nader Rezvani saw the Statue of Liberty from a tourist boat in 1963, he recalled the poem inscribed on the statue’s pedestal and thought,

Sankar Raman

Yilan to Portland, a Lucky Life 

In 1960, Chang-Shee Chang’s pharmacology lab partner promised him a date with the runner-up of Miss Taiwan. He eagerly accepted. Alone in the theater

Sankar Raman

Soñando más allá de las fronteras

“No tengo papeles.” Liliana Luna miró la oportunidad de ir a la universidad desvanecerse. El consejero de la preparatoria repentinamente abrió su cajón

Sankar Raman

Dreaming Beyond Borders

“I don’t have papers.”   With this admission, Liliana Luna saw her chances for college slip away. The high school counselor who was advising her suddenly gathered

Sankar Raman

Once Home, Now a Jungle

For the first 18 years of his life, Reza Uddin was a citizen of Burma, now officially known as Myanmar. And then, suddenly, he was not. That’s because Uddin is […]

Sankar Raman

Becoming His Own Role Model

After his older sister was badly burned by scalding water, Miguel Rodriguez’s mother, a nurse in Orizaba, Mexico, knew the young girl needed to be seen by medical

Sankar Raman

Education Triumphs Over Nationalism

On his first day of Second Grade in 1992, Flamur Vehapi arrived at his school to see soldiers barricading the entrance, declaring, “No more school for you.”

Sankar Raman

Doing Everything With Her Own Hands

Ayan Salat can teach you all about scorpions. She can make fluffy injera bread and cook meals for an entire household. Ayan could ghost-write your next

Sankar Raman

Embrace All Your Cultures

It was her teachers, violinist Inés Voglar says, who gave her the courage to do what she loved the most and to trust that success would follow.

Sankar Raman

For the Love of Mozart

It’s the late 1980s in Taipei, Taiwan.  Every week, four-year-old Ruby Chen ventures with her mother from their storefront apartment to the local Yamaha Piano store