Karen Weliky

Painting A Better Future

A rosary and his mom’s blessing are all Roberto Oran took when he left his small village in Mexico. His faith kept him going, but his belief in higher education […]

Sankar Raman

Coming Out of the Shadows

Sindy Avila Gutierrez was born in Morelos, Mexico. At the age of two, she was brought to the United States to live with her parents in Oregon. Arriving without formal […]

Sankar Raman

A Rebellion Against Silence

Sindy Avila-Gutierrez looks back undaunted on her life as an undocumented immigrant.  “I’ve always been a rebel in that way,” she says. “You tell me

Tired of Living in the Shadows

Liliana Luna was born in Mexico and immigrated to the United States without documents at age 15. As you’ll hear in Liliana’s story,  

We Found a New Way to Be, Together

Bernal Cruz was born in Guatemala during its 36-year civil war. When his father, a career military officer, was asked to work for an intelligence team  

It’s Ok, You Are Going to Be Fine

Petrona Dominguez Francisco arrived in Oregon at the age of 4, immigrating from Guatemala. Growing up, she struggled with her identity.  

Becoming a Permanent Resident

Miguel Rodriguez tells the story of how he got his Permanent Resident Card (green card), which allowed him to continue his college education. Miguel arrived 

John Rudoff

Conquering a Life of Uncertainty

Daniel Franco Núñez’s earliest memory is being smuggled across the border into the US in his grandfather’s arms. Núñez was born in Guadalajara, Mexico In 1985.

John Rudoff

Keep Knocking on Doors

Even while battling kidney disease and working at McDonalds to pay her way through college, Marissa de los Angeles Roxinny Salgado Garcia

Sankar Raman

When I’m Playing, I’m Just Heat

The first time Denzel Mendoza came out as undocumented he was on stage in front of a crowd of strangers.  That night, he didn’t just play his trombone, 

Sankar Raman

From Conflict to Confidence

At just six years old, Heriberto Bolanos raised his hand to cross the border from Mexico into the United States under the powerful jets

Lisa Cohn

Pleading for a Pathway

Azucena Javier-Marquez is relieved about the June 18 U.S. Supreme Court ruling rejecting attempts by the Trump administration to end protections