
The Immigrant Story Live: See Jane Run

The trauma of war has followed Jane Mantiri from her birthplace in Indonesia soon after the Indonesian Revolution to her early childhood in the Netherlands  to her eventual home in the US. Keenly aware of her outsider status in each country where her family landed, Jane grew up honoring her parents while creating a family and career of her own. She uses her skills as an actor to bring to life her family’s long journey to America.

Jane is a retired trauma psychologist, actor, and activist. She founded Advance Gender Equity in the Arts (AGE), a Portland based social justice arts organization created to empower marginalized genders leading with race and age. She wrote her memoir as a legacy to family and friends, memorializing the obstacles, the given circumstances, and the love that has made up the tapestry of her life. All proceeds from the memoir benefit AGE.

Buy See Jane Run Here

I Am An American Live is a production of the award-winning nonprofit The Immigrant Story. The stories were presented live at First Congregational Church of Christ, Portland, OR on Saturday, November 11, 2022. This series of events is part of the programming by the Oregon Rises Above Hate coalition, with the aim of drawing attention to the historic xenophobia experienced by the Asian American community in Oregon and across the U.S. This free event is made possible by a generous contribution by Anne Naito-Campbell.