Jim Lommasson

Document, Myo Thu Gyi, Burma

Mohammad Ali: This is my Family Registration Card which the Myanmar Immigration and Population Department issued.  Description about the Registration  

Jim Lommasson

Dog Wippi, Berlin, Germany

Eva Rickles: My beloved friend and “canine sibling” in Berlin was my dog “Wippi” ~ the name a shortened version of the German word for “tail wagger.”  

Jim Lommasson

Photo, Battambang, Cambodia

Sivheng Ung: Picture of me and my siblings, 1973. Bettambang.  It’s a very rare survival picture of us, taken during my senior year.  

Jim Lommasson

Photographs, Chongkal, Cambodia

Saron Khut: In 1980 my mother, my sister and I escaped Cambodia carrying only a few things, as we walked to the Lumpook refugee camp in Thailand.  

Jim Lommasson

Baby Clothes, Damascus, Syria

Rama Youssef: When I was 12 years old and getting ready to move to America, I made sure to bring this jumper with me. All my older sisters wore it […]

Jim Lommasson

Ceremony Bowl, Cambodia

Sivheng Ung: My mother’s silver ceremony bowl.  This kind of silver bowl, my mom used it to collect blessing water or for special occasions such as weddings  

Makka Djibrine

Competition From Within

Education is a prized commodity for Makka Djibrine Khatir. But it hasn’t always been this way. Indeed, for most of her early life, education was the same as suffering.

Brooke Hoyer

So Many People, So Many Miracles

Twenty-one-year-old Samir Mustafic was in the small orchard behind his home in Bosnia when Serbian bombs rained down upon his family’s property. 

Nothing Else But Miracles

Samir was a teenager in love, his days full of farm chores, school and walking his girlfriend home. When war came to his corner of northeastern Bosnia,  

John Rudoff

There is Surviving and There is Living

Saron Khut was only ten years old when he and his family fled the Khmer Rouge-led genocide in Cambodia. His mother’s strength and a key decision one scary 

Agar Bahar Biyayad: Ahmad Fanous

This ghazal is sung by the famous Afghan ghazal singer Ahmad Fanous, accompanied by his son, pianist Elham Fanous, and by Ravi Albright on tabla,  

Az Ghamat ay Nazanin

This ghazal is sung by the famous Afghan ghazal singer Ahmad Fanous, accompanied by his son, pianist Elham Fanous, and by Ravi Albright on tabla,

Tanhayi : The Immigrant Story Live

This ghazal is sung by the famous Afghan ghazal singer Ahmad Fanous, accompanied by his son, pianist Elham Fanous and by Ravi Albright on tabla.

Kal Chaudhvin Ki Raat Thi

This ghazal is sung beautifully by the famous Afghan ghazal singer Ahmad Fanous, accompanied by Ravi Albright on tabla,

To Dar Chashme Man: Ahmad Fanous

This ghazal is sung by the famous Afghan ghazal singer Ahmad Fanous, accompanied by his son, pianist Elham Fanous and by Ravi Albright on tabla.