My First Pipa: Wu Man
This is the first pipa I ever owed owned. Crafted by the finest maker in China. It journeyed with me to the US in 1990, and since the
This is the first pipa I ever owed owned. Crafted by the finest maker in China. It journeyed with me to the US in 1990, and since the
Eva Rickles: This is the second letter from Peter, expressing the joy he felt to receive my parents’ response to his first letter written from Shanghai.
Eva Rickles: Jou and Peter’s Departure (Text below the letter) This picture depicts the exodus of friends of my parents who had to flee from Germany in 1938
Eva E. Aigner: Our apartment became a house marked by a Jewish star, during the Holocaust. We were taken to the ghetto from here.
Mohammad Ali: This is my Family Registration Card which the Myanmar Immigration and Population Department issued. Description about the Registration
Eva Rickles: My beloved friend and “canine sibling” in Berlin was my dog “Wippi” ~ the name a shortened version of the German word for “tail wagger.”
Eva Aigner: My Father was orthodox. Most orthodox men used the Teffilin for morning prayers. Teffilin is made of leather straps, which are wrapped around
Rudwan Dawod: These are prayer beads (Misbaha). They are very common in my native country of Sudan, particularly among Sufi Muslims.
Sivheng Ung: Picture of me and my siblings, 1973. Bettambang. It’s a very rare survival picture of us, taken during my senior year.
Leslie Aigner: This photo is my mother + 2 sisters and myself These photos were taken in 1944 in Chepel ghetto in the Budapest suburbs.
Leslie Aigner: These were given to me on the way home from the camps. They allowed me to travel on the trains and get some food on the stations
Leslie Aigner: Postcard sent from Auschwitz camp when I was ordered to write home. I addressed it to a gentile friend. I did not want to give out any family
Imam Abdulah Polovina: In this photo you can see an old traditional handmade coffee bean grinder and the traditional coffee called “dzezva” for making Bosnian
Emmanuel Turaturanye: My family my Pride Daddy was killed on 9 April 1994 I carry this picture because it keeps his memory and spirit alive in me.
Les Aigner: My mother Anna asking my dad Gyrela, if he ever received the food package that she has sent him This postcard was sent to a town named