My Heart Has Two Countries
Kseniia Hnatovska never kept up with the news. Instead, she was a planner. She loved scheduling vacations and weekend activities,
Kseniia Hnatovska never kept up with the news. Instead, she was a planner. She loved scheduling vacations and weekend activities,
When Minakshi De was born in 1958, the area where her Hindu family lived was called East Pakistan. Then came the bloody Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971.
When Ghu Ali Danish Kamal and his family arrived in Portland from Afghanistan, they were provided with $722 in cash. He headed straight to the art store
When you think of courageous living, playing music is probably not the first thing that comes to mind. But Dijana Ihas, a professional musician and refugee
The Honorable Chanpone Sinlapasai does not know when she was born. Her Lao tribe did not document any life cycle events. For her American immigration paperwork,
Chanpone Sinlapasai was born in war-torn Laos and came to the US at age four. As a child acting as interpreter for her parents, she soon realized
Eva Rickles: This is the second letter from Peter, expressing the joy he felt to receive my parents’ response to his first letter written from Shanghai.
Eva Rickles: Jou and Peter’s Departure (Text below the letter) This picture depicts the exodus of friends of my parents who had to flee from Germany in 1938
Eva E. Aigner: Our apartment became a house marked by a Jewish star, during the Holocaust. We were taken to the ghetto from here.
Mohammad Ali: This is my Family Registration Card which the Myanmar Immigration and Population Department issued. Description about the Registration
Eva Rickles: My beloved friend and “canine sibling” in Berlin was my dog “Wippi” ~ the name a shortened version of the German word for “tail wagger.”
Eva Aigner: My Father was orthodox. Most orthodox men used the Teffilin for morning prayers. Teffilin is made of leather straps, which are wrapped around
Sivheng Ung: Picture of me and my siblings, 1973. Bettambang. It’s a very rare survival picture of us, taken during my senior year.
Leslie Aigner: This photo is my mother + 2 sisters and myself These photos were taken in 1944 in Chepel ghetto in the Budapest suburbs.
Leslie Aigner: These were given to me on the way home from the camps. They allowed me to travel on the trains and get some food on the stations