Jim Lommasson

Photo, Battambang, Cambodia

Sivheng Ung: Picture of me and my siblings, 1973. Bettambang.  It’s a very rare survival picture of us, taken during my senior year.  

Jim Lommasson

Ceremony Bowl, Cambodia

Sivheng Ung: My mother’s silver ceremony bowl.  This kind of silver bowl, my mom used it to collect blessing water or for special occasions such as weddings  

To Bear Witness: Building Community

After the Khmer Rouge killed her husband, Saron’s mother gathered her three small children and made her way to a refugee camp in Thailand and, finally,  

Sankar Raman

Surviving A Minefield Of Terrors

Too often the stories of refugees from ravaged lands force us to confront unimaginable suffering, terror, and trauma. Binh (Ben) Thach harbored such a tale in  

Sankar Raman

Be a Blade of Grass, Not a Tall Tree

Among a total of 13 siblings, it was Sivheng who most resembled their father. Kilin Ung  was a businessman who traded in the teak and rosewood