Jim Lommasson

Flags, Kurdish Area, Northern Iraq

Khairi Al-Karsafi : Iraqi Flag, Yazidi Flag, American Flag. The respect for the flag is a national duty: I am born as Izidi, my land is Iraq, and my country […]

Jim Lommasson

Wedding, Kurdish Area, Northern Iraq

Khairi Al-Karsafi: Top Arrow: This family picture was taken at the Khairi Al-Karsafi wedding back in 1994 in Iraq. Left Arrow: My wife Najad.

Jim Lommasson

Barat, Kurdish Area, Northern Iraq

Diar Alkhalo: Top Left: This is called Barat. Barat is made of soil from the holiest Yazidi temple, Lalish. Religious Yazidis at Lalish make the Barat on one night of […]

Jim Lommasson

Photograph, Bozan, Nieveh, Iraq

Diyar Al Khalo: This picture was taken back on Feb 11, 2013 while I was praying at Lalish temple. I prayed for the whole world to be safe and sound. […]