AfghanistanAsian AmericanEpisodeI Am An AmericanIAAAAOregon

Valley of War with no Peace

Sankar Raman
Sankar Raman / The Immigrant Story

Fifteen year-olds can be… a lot. It’s often when a rebellious streak first emerges, when a kid might start sneaking out, breaking curfew or perhaps,  skipping school and lying about their age to become an interpreter for the American soldiers occupying your hometown in Afghanistan. Or at least that’s what being a teenager was like for Nasirullah Safi, who grew up in the Kunar Valley between Afghanistan and Pakistan, a land plagued by constant conflict and war. But guided by the advice of his father and the dreams of his mother, he left Kunar and found his way to another valley: the Willamette.

Many Roads to Here is a production of The Immigrant Story. 

This episode was produced, edited and hosted by Selene Ross. Audio post-production done by Gregg Palmer. The original interview was conducted by Sankar Raman in the fall of 2023.

Many thanks to St. Andrew Lutheran Church in Beaverton, Oregon for the use of their space.

This episode is a part of a series exploring the stories and experiences of Asian Americans. It is produced as part of the Oregon Rises Above Hate coalition and made possible by a generous contribution by Anne Naito-Campbell. 

To learn more about the Oregon Rises Above Hate Coalition, please visit

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