DACALatinoMexicoUndocumentedWhat We Carried

Music from Home, Mexico City, Mexico

Jim Lommasson
Jim Lommasson / What We Carried

Liliana Luna:

Where were you when you turned 15?

At that age, I felt as if life has taken me Far away from my roots. When I was 15, my family and I immigrated to the U.S. I didn’t have much time to put in a bag the belongings that would come with me in this new beginning. However, before leaving Mexico, my dad had purchased a trendy stereo, and he wanted to take it with him. I remember that the stereo was too big that my dad asked our family to carry one speaker in our backpack on the way to the U.S. Leaving us with little to no space for other things to take.

I decided to bring with me this CD because my friends in Mexico had told me that it took time for popular music in Spanish to hit the U.S. I thought, I might not have clothes or a bed to sleep on once I get to the U.S, but at least we will have music that would make us FEEL AT HOME.

Musica de la Patria:

Donde estabas tú, cuando tenias 15 años? Yo a esa edad sentí que la vida me llevó a un
lugar lejos, muy lejos de mis raices. A los 15 años mi familia y yo imigramos a los Estado Unidos y tuve muy poco tiempo y espacio para escojer las pertenecias que me acompañaron en este nuevo camino. Tiempo atrás mi papá había comprado un stereo “de los nuevos.” El estereo de mi papá era tan grande que el decidio que cada uno de nosotros cargaria una pieza del stereo durante el viaje.

Yo decidi traerme este CD por que mis amigos en México me dijeron que la música popular en México en Español mas tiempo en sonar aquí. Yo pense, tal vez no tenga ni ropa, ni cama al llegar a los U.S.A., pero si tendriamos musica que nos haria sentir como en casa.